
Bond Law Office

How to Qualify for Chapter 12 Bankruptcy

As an Arkansas bankruptcy lawyer, we understand that financial challenges can become overwhelming, particularly for farmers and fishermen who face unique circumstances. Chapter 12 bankruptcy is a form of bankruptcy designed specifically for family farmers and fishermen, providing them with a way to reorganize their debts and continue their businesses.

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Bond Law Office

Debunking Myths About Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

If you’re struggling with overwhelming debt, there’s a good chance you’ve heard horror stories about bankruptcy. While some myths about Chapter 11 bankruptcy may sound scary, they’re just that — myths.

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Bond Law Office

What Assets Are Exempt in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be a difficult decision, but it offers a way for individuals in Arkansas to eliminate qualifying debts and work toward a fresh financial start. At Bond Law Office, we have locations in Fayetteville and Fort Smith, Arkansas. We’ve represented many clients in bankruptcy cases.

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Bond Law Office

Does a Will Have to Be Recorded in Arkansas?

A will plays a vital role in the distribution of assets and property after someone passes. Many wonder whether a will needs to be recorded to be valid. Here, we’ll walk you through the legal obligations surrounding wills in Arkansas and explain when they need to be recorded.

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Bond Law Office

Does a Will Have to Be Probated in Arkansas?

In Arkansas, as in many states, the probate process plays a critical role in administering a deceased person's estate. Understanding whether a will needs to be probated in Arkansas, with the guidance of a probate attorney, can help clarify the legal requirements and implications for estate management.

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Does a Will Have to Be Notarized in Arkansas?

In Arkansas, the rules and requirements surrounding wills and their validity, including whether they need to be notarized, are governed by state law. Understanding these legal guidelines is crucial for anyone considering creating or managing a will in Arkansas

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Bond Law Office  

Fiduciary Duties and Misuse of Power of Attorney

Individuals appointed as fiduciaries have the legal and ethical responsibility to act in the best interest of the principal — the person who has granted them the power of attorney. This entails managing the principal's assets, avoiding conflicts of interest, and ensuring transparency in all transactions.

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Bond Law Office

Understanding Legal Capacity and Dementia

At Bond Law Office, we understand that dementia can bring about significant changes in a person's life, affecting their ability to make informed decisions. As a law firm with deep roots in Fayetteville and Fort Smith, and serving clients throughout River Valley, Harrison, Eureka Springs, Clarksville, Waldron, Mena, and Van Buren, Arkansas, we're committed to providing comprehensive guidance on this complicated issue.

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Bond Law Office

Bankruptcy FAQs

Facing financial difficulties is never easy. It can be a time of great stress and uncertainty. However, you do have options. Bankruptcy is made to provide people with a fresh start, freeing them from overwhelming debt. The key is understanding all your options and making the decision that's right for you.

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