A Client-Driven Firm from the Beginning
We Take the Mystery Out of Bankruptcy, Probate, & Estate Planning
We understand that bankruptcy is a terrifying thought. The way society spins it, people tend to associate the term with making bad decisions. But in truth, the vast majority of our clients have found themselves in debt not because they were irresponsible with their money. Rather, things happened outside of their control — they fell ill and couldn’t pay off their medical bills, or they were laid off and racked up credit card debt while looking for their next job. Life happens, and there’s absolutely no shame in owning up to your debt. From there, you can regain control over it, and we’re here to help you do it.
Probate and estate planning are entirely different concerns that must be addressed for entirely different reasons. But, as with bankruptcy, we’re here to guide you through the legal processes associated with each.
When it comes to bankruptcy, we give you peace of mind by separating the realities from the myths, regardless of the chapter.
We created this site to help you navigate the various bankruptcy and probate processes. In addition, we’re always willing to answer any questions you may have.
Bankruptcy and probate can seem scary, but we’re here to help. As we help you through this, our focus is always on your well-being and never on anything else.
As part of our resolution to be ready for anything, we work to stay sharp even in less common practice areas, such as Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 Bankruptcy.
Our Bottom Line
Our goal is simple: we want to assist people through their financial hardships and prevent future hardships from coming to call. In your case, we will tell you the good and the bad, without reservation, and work with your particular situation for your benefit. We believe that bankruptcy law firms should take responsibility for teaching their clients about what they can expect throughout their Chapter 7, 11, 12, or 13 bankruptcy, just as we believe that probate law firms should fully outline the details of the probate process before ever taking legal action on behalf of their clients.
Should you decide to retain us as your legal team, you can expect to learn a great deal about the matter at hand. As you become more familiar with the legal process, you will become more comfortable making informed decisions. Our hope for you is that you will learn and grow from the experience, and ultimately gain a newfound sense of confidence as you move forward.